News von Syngenity®

Informationen zu Informationssicherheit, Cybersicherheit, Datenschutz und Syngenity! In einer zunehmend digitalisierten Welt sind diese Themen wichtiger denn je. Hier finden Sie aktuelle News rund um die Sicherheit Ihrer digitalen Daten.

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Syngenity expands global presence with new US subsidiary

Syngenity expands global presence with new US subsidiary

Syngenity, a leading cybersecurity consulting firm, is strategically expanding with a new subsidiary in the US. This strengthens Syngenity’s market presence and enables continued excellence in cybersecurity and information security services.

DORA: Digital Operational Resilience Act

DORA: Digital Operational Resilience Act

The financial sector is particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks, which can cause not only financial losses but also loss of trust among customers and partners. By implementing DORA, financial institutions should ensure that they are not only prepared for technological disruptions, but also continuously improve their cyber defense methods. The harmonization of requirements across the EU also ensures that all member states guarantee the same high standard of security and resilience.

Information security

Information security

In an increasingly digitalized world, information security is crucial. With TISAX® and ISO 27001, companies not only raise their security standards, but also strengthen the trust of their customers. Through regular audits and individual security strategies, we proactively protect your data – for long-term security and stable customer relationships.

The importance of data protection

The importance of data protection

Data protection is essential for trust between companies and customers. Responsible handling of personal data protects privacy and strengthens brand reputation. With a detailed data inventory, regular training and transparent guidelines, companies can integrate data protection sustainably and position themselves as reliable, trustworthy partners.

The future of information security

The future of information security

The future of information security will be shaped by technologies such as AI, cloud solutions and the increase in mobile working. While AI recognizes threats in real time, the cloud requires increased security measures. Remote work places new demands on data protection. Companies must constantly adapt their strategies to remain secure.

Security – Security starts with us!

Security – Security starts with us!

Security is essential today – over 40% of cyber attacks affect small and medium-sized enterprises. Raise your team’s awareness, regularly review your security policies and protect your data with encryption. With our support, you can take your security strategy to the next level and secure your future!

NIS2UmsuCG – Are you ready for the new requirements?

NIS2UmsuCG – Are you ready for the new requirements?

The NIS2 Implementation Act (NIS2UmsuCG) comes into force in March 2025. This law is based on the revised EU Directive on the security of network and information systems (NIS2) and aims to strengthen the protection of critical infrastructures and essential services...

GAP analysis

GAP analysis

What is a GAP analysis?
At its core, a GAP analysis is a methodical comparison between the current state of an organization’s information security and an established standard or set of requirements.
The main objective is to identify “gaps” – areas where existing security measures do not meet the desired state.
These gaps highlight weaknesses and opportunities for improvement, guiding organizations to achieve full compliance and improve their security posture.

7 steps to building a culture of compliance in your organisation

7 steps to building a culture of compliance in your organisation

Compliance is not just adherence to legal requirements, but the key to trust, transparency and long-term success. Clear leadership, communication, training and audits create a sustainable compliance culture. At Syngenity®, we support companies through independent audits to minimise risks and ensure safety standards.

TISAX® label in the automotive sector

TISAX® label in the automotive sector

The TISAX® label is indispensable for companies in the automotive sector.
It guarantees the highest information security standards, protects against cyber threats and strengthens the trust of partners.
With TISAX®, you secure a clear competitive advantage and facilitate global collaboration in the networked automotive industry.

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