News von Syngenity®

Informationen zu Informationssicherheit, Cybersicherheit, Datenschutz und Syngenity! In einer zunehmend digitalisierten Welt sind diese Themen wichtiger denn je. Hier finden Sie aktuelle News rund um die Sicherheit Ihrer digitalen Daten.

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Information security

Information security

In an increasingly digitalized world, information security is crucial. With TISAX® and ISO 27001, companies not only raise their security standards, but also strengthen the trust of their customers. Through regular audits and individual security strategies, we proactively protect your data – for long-term security and stable customer relationships.

The importance of data protection

The importance of data protection

Data protection is essential for trust between companies and customers. Responsible handling of personal data protects privacy and strengthens brand reputation. With a detailed data inventory, regular training and transparent guidelines, companies can integrate data protection sustainably and position themselves as reliable, trustworthy partners.

Security – Security starts with us!

Security – Security starts with us!

Security is essential today – over 40% of cyber attacks affect small and medium-sized enterprises. Raise your team’s awareness, regularly review your security policies and protect your data with encryption. With our support, you can take your security strategy to the next level and secure your future!

Data protection cases and fines at a glance

Data protection cases and fines at a glance

Uber: 290 million euro fine for GDPR-infringing data transfer to the USA.
Belgian telecommunications company: 100,000 euro fine for failure to respond to requests for information.
Spain: 300 euro fine for video surveillance of public spaces.
Denmark: 26,803 euro fine for unencrypted, stolen laptops.
Uniqlo: 270,000 euro fine for incorrectly sending payslips.