Compliance is not just adherence to legal requirements, but the key to trust, transparency and long-term success. Clear leadership, communication, training and audits create a sustainable compliance culture. At Syngenity®, we support companies through independent audits to minimise risks and ensure safety standards.
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Informationen zu Informationssicherheit, Cybersicherheit, Datenschutz und Syngenity! In einer zunehmend digitalisierten Welt sind diese Themen wichtiger denn je. Hier finden Sie aktuelle News rund um die Sicherheit Ihrer digitalen Daten.
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Achieve ISO27001 certification quickly? Here’s how!
ISO27001 certification requires management support, a clear definition of the ISMS scope and a thorough risk assessment.
By implementing appropriate security controls and internal audits, preparation for the external audit is optimized.
Syngenity® GmbH offers customized consulting for a fast and successful certification.
AI Act comes into force: what you need to know about the AI regulation
Since August 1, 2024, the AI Act has regulated artificial intelligence in the EU.
The risk-based approach divides AI systems into different classes and sets specific requirements.
Generative AI, such as ChatGPT, falls under GPAI and is subject to special regulations to ensure ethical and safe use.